I. Personal data
Born: 30. November 1976, Carei, Satu Mare, Romania
Address: 530100 Miercurea Ciuc, Piaţa Majláth G. Károly 4/A/24, Harghita county, Romania
Telephone: +40-266-317121 / 234
Employment: lecturer, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Social Sciences, Department of Technical and Natural Sciences, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
Marital status: married
E-mail: [email protected]
II. Studies
- 1991–1995: high school, Tamási Áron High School, mathematics-physics profile, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
- 1995–1999: B.Sc in Biology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Hungarian line of study, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 1999–2001: M.Sc. in Biocoenology and management of nature reserves, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 2001–2007: Ph.D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The Ph.D.thesis was defended in 2007. The thesis title: Faunistical and ecological study of the carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the upper Olt River Basin [Studiul faunistic şi ecologic al carabidelor (Coleoptera, Carabidae) din sectorul superior al bazinului Olt]. Scientific supervisor: Professor dr. Nicolae Tomescu (Babeş-Bolyai University, Dept. of Taxonomy and Ecology).
III. Scientific career
- 2000–2002: Biology teacher, Gábor Áron Industrial School Group, Vlăhiţa, Romania
- 2002–2005: preparator, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Social Sciences, Department of Technical and Natural Sciences, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
- 2005–2008: assistant lecturer, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Social Sciences, Department of Technical and Natural Sciences, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
- 2008–…: lecturer, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Social Sciences, Department of Technical and Natural Sciences, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
IV. Research domain: faunistics and ecology of Carabidae, environmental microbiology
V. Scientific activity (participation in research projects)
- 1996: member of the “Evaluation of the ecological state of the Someş/Szamos river “ research programme financed by Liga Pro Europa (Târgu Mureş, RO) and Club Tisza (Szolnok, HU), project leader: dr. Sárkány-Kiss Endre.
- 1996–1998: member of the „Fânaţe Reserve” research programme financed by the Eco Studia Society (Cluj-Napoca, RO), project leader: dr. Markó Bálint.
- 2004: leader of the “Conserving flora and fauna of oligothrophic meadows in Eastern Transylvania, Romania” research programme financed by the Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation (UK), Rufford Small Grant for Nature Conservation (grant no. 142/07/2004)
- 2004–2005: member of the „Study of the effects of urbanization on ground beetle assemblages (Coleoptera, Carabidae)” research programme (K.P.I. 1357/2004) financed by Sapientia Fundation - Institute for Scientific Research, project leader: dr. Tóthmérész Béla (University of Debrecen, Department of Ecology).
- 2005–2006: member of the „Investigation of the microbial communities of mineral water springs (Harghita county, Romania)” research programme (K.P.I. 1293/2005) financed by Sapientia Fundation - Institute for Scientific Research, project leader: dr. Márialigeti Károly (ELTE, Department of Microbiology).
- 2006–2007: member of the „Bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils” research programme (K.P.I. 1047/2006) financed by Sapientia Fundation - Institute for Scientific Research, project leader: dr. Márialigeti Károly (Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Microbiology).
- 2007–2008: leader of the „Bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils II.” research programme (K.P.I. 663/2007) financed by Sapientia Fundation - Institute for Scientific Research.
- 2007–2010: member of the „MIMOSA - „Microbial inoculants for sustainable agriculture systems” (PNCDI II – Programul 4, 31/048) research programme, project leader: dr. Lányi Szabolcs (Sapientia University, Miercurea-Ciuc, RO).
- 2008–2009: leader of the „Physico-chemical and microbiological study of Ursu Lake (Sovata, Romania)” research programme (K.P.I. 209/37/2009) financed by Sapientia Fundation - Institute for Scientific Research.
- 2010–2012: member of the „BIOPREP - „Microbial biopreparates for enhancing the productivity and protection of crops” (POS - 2.1.1, CF: 169/16.06.2010) research programme, project leader: dr. Mara Gyöngyvér (Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc, RO).
- 2011–2014: leader of the „Microbiological study of the volcanic Saint Ana Lake” research programme (K.P.I. 1/19/05.01.2012), financed by Sapientia Foundation – Institute for Scientific Research.
VI. Teaching activity at the Sapientia University (Miercurea Ciuc, Romania), Faculty of Technical and Social Sciences, Department of Technical and Natural Sciences
- General microbiology lab courses (B.Sc. level, compulsory, 3rd semester)
- Environmental microbiology courses and lab courses (B.Sc. level, optional, 4th semester)
- Soil and soil protection courses and lab courses (B.Sc. level, optional, 6th semester)
VII. Scientific honours
Research scholarships
- 2002–2004: PhD Fellowship, Sapientia Fundation - Institute for Scientific Research
- 2006: Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture and Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium (Budapest, HU): „Study of anthropic disturbance on carabid beetles in Transylvania (Romania)”.
VIII. Membership (Professional Societies / Editorial Board of Scientific Journals)
- Transylvanian Museum Association (Cluj-Napoca, RO)
- Hungarian Entomological Society (Budapest, HU)
- Romanian Lepidopterological Society (Cluj-Napoca, RO)
- Hungarian Microbiological Society (Budapest, HU)
- member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy Of Sciences (Budapest, HU)
- 2009– …: member of the editorial board of the Acta Universitatis Sapientiae - Agriculture and Environment
IX. Language skills
- Hungarian – mother tongue
- Romanian – fluent
- English – intermediate level